Thursday, September 3, 2009


You made it!

This blog should help us to do a number of things:

1) Keep us organised-- check often to make sure that your student agenda is up to date. I will
put important dates on the course calendar.

2) Keep us informed-- most of the course's handouts and resources will be available here. If you are absent or lose a document you can get another copy here.

3) Increase class participation-- in my experience, usually only a few students and the teacher do most of the talking. This is a place where everyone can ask and answer questions or make comments about anything course related.

To get started: email --I will add you as an author for the blog so that you can create your own posts. Please include your full name in your email so I know who everyone is. You may want to consider creating a new email address for academic purposes.

I look forward to working with you all!

Mr. Pierce


1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure I'm doing this right. Can you hear me now? Wendy S
